It’s time to check in with Gillian! 🧶 If you’ve been following along with our podcast, you might already have some clues—but now’s your chance to get the full rundown on her “Finish 9” list, current projects, and how she plans to tackle her WIPs this year.
Tell us about your “Finish 9” list!
How did you choose your projects, and how’s it going so far?
I choose my projects kind of randomly. Some sweaters that I really want finished. And I made sure to include some crochet projects and some smaller projects. I've only finished one so far and haven't even touched the other 8! But I think I have plans for 3 of them. One is an Andrea Mowry pattern and she is having her annual KAL March to May Knitalong and thankfully WIPs and welcome, so I am hoping to finish my Find Your Fade shawl in that time frame.

What’s currently on your needles (or hook)? Any long-lost WIPs making a comeback?
A new test-knit sweater, a pair of socks, and my mystery shawl. And I think I finish figured our what to make with my Leo & Roxy Yarn Co. Egg Advent from a few years ago. Fingers crossed because everythign i think i've figured it out, it doesn't work.
Do you have a specific game plan for tackling your projects, or are you more of a cast-on-as-you-go knitter?
It's mostly willy-nilly. I get inspoired and then cast on, and then want to finish something so Jolyn doesn't have more things on her Finish 9 crossed off than I do. Even though it isn't a competition.
Are there any techniques or skills you want to try (or finally master) this year?
I’d love to steek something, or try double knitting. But, I also want to finish things, not that really affects anything. Oh, socks!! I want to figure out with my loose tension how to get the right fabric. I ordered a pair of 1.5mm needles and gosh are they ever small!
What’s your go-to project when you need a quick win or a bit of motivation?
Depends, but probably a simple hat—something small, something with instant gratification.
Is there a yarn or colorway you’re obsessed with right now?
Still obsessed with grellow, olive green, moss green.
Be honest—how many projects are in hibernation?
According to Ravelry 3. But since I didn't touch 8 projects at all in 2024 they probably should be considered in hibernation too.
Do you have a dream project or wishlist of things you hope to make in 2025?
Oh, I have a wishlist, but it is always changing and expanding, and not nessecarily just for 2025. The Peacock Plumes Sweater in Dream (Merino Worsted) by Loopy Mango is one I would like to finish this year. With Leo & Roxy Yarn Co.'s Pink Flamenco (sock yarn).
If you could only knit or crochet one type of project all year, what would it be?
Granny Squares? Or maybe socks.
What’s the best part of starting a new project—and the hardest part of finishing one?
Best part? The excitement of something new! Hardest part? Not getting distracted by another new idea.
Well, there you have it folks. What do you think, will Gillian be able to finish all 9 projects on her list by the end of 2025? Or will she get too distracted by new projects?
Fun interview :) please do let us know Gillian if you figure out your loose tension issue for socks! I also had to go down to 1.75mm needles and its just not fun on my hands. My solution has been to knit DK socks on 2 – 2.5mm needles. My next step would probably to try throwing (instead of continental) as that tends to yield tighter stitches. Happy crafting!