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November's Yarn of the Month

November's Yarn of the Month

This month we are featuring Manos del Uruguay yarns.

Did you know: Manos was founded in 1968 by 5 women looking to improve the quaility of life for rural women in Uruguay. It was built on the foundation of helping local women to be able to support their familes and keep their traditions and roots close to their communities. Manos del Uruguay is a Non for profit organization with 12 cooperatives, located in small villages of Uruguay countryside. 
They are also a member of the WFTO, World Fair Trade Organization.

"Our yarns colors are bright and wild, full of nuances and variations. No two skeins are the same, each one is unique, a testimony of a particular moment."

Every purchase is an opportunity to help a Uruguayan woman support her family.

Check out thier Instagram for more details.


Not sure of what to make? Well, here are some of our suggestions….First, check out their Ravelry page!

For Marla:

For Marla and Sami

For Sami


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