Happy November readers! I hope this month brings you everything you wish for. For me, I’m feverishly trying to get some Christmas gifts made for knitworthy family and friends. So I’m not going to highlight those as I want to have each of them to be a surprise for the recipient.
Instead, I want to celebrate November’s yarn of the month – Manos del Uraguay’s Sami and Marla. First of all, I love what the company does. It’s a non profit organization which assembles women in coopertives scattered throughout the countryside of Uraguay to bring economic and social opportunities to them. Other than supporting local businesses (my heart still belongs to Little Red Mitten although I now live in the city), I love supporting organizations that lifts others. To me, it’s worth the investment and it’s a win / win buying from Little Red Mitten. Well, I’ve written enough on that platform.

Let’s get back to this yarn. It’s gorgeous. It’s springy. It’s a joy to knit with. The colours are jaw dropping offering rich jewel tones (which I love) and just a beautiful array of colours to pair together – whether you want solids or mix with variegated for colourwork. Well, I’ve done both and I have more in my project stash to knit in this yarn again.
My love affair with this yarn started when I made my third Sheep Camp Sweater. This was another Knitting With Friends make (have I mentioned that I love knitting with this amazing bunch of women?). If you haven’t jumped on this bandwagon, I say “go for it!” as it is one of the best patterns in my opinion. My first two are in Cascade 220 and honestly, making it in Sami and Marla just upped the game. I knit the MC in Bing Cherry Sami and the CC in Sami. The sheen and drape just makes it a sweater that everyone asks me where I got it. And bonus, I get to say “I made it”. I love how the colour reflects a shimmering opal or lake in the colourwork.
So then I thought, I want to make a closet staple in this yarn and my Knitting with Friends group were making the Semper V Cardigan, so I said “perfect!”. I made the cardi in Galaxy Blue Sami. Such a fabulous pairing like a match made in heaven. I wear this cardi all the time. Again, using this yarn makes a timeless, classy, quality wardrobe piece that you keep forever.
Oops, I completely forgot about my Halu—where it actually all began! I also love my Halu sweater by Boyland Knitworks, knit in Manos del Uruguay’s Sami in the Peony colorway. The drape, texture, and sheen of this fabric feel so luxurious.
It is an investment, but it’s worth it. If you are local, pop into Little Red Mitten to see the collection in person and feel the lux squishiness of each skein. If you aren’t local, head to the website to check it out. As always, we are always happy to help with finding the perfect pattern and colour choices for you.
Now back to my Christmas knitting….only 7 more hats to go. And 3 pairs of socks that I didn’t get to last year…did I mention that I’m not a sock knitter? More to come on that.