I love to knit mittens and fingerless gloves, can you please tell me why some increases have the m1L first and then m1R next and some have you making the m1R and then the m1L. Also for the most part these are the same mitten (meaning you are knitting the exact same not a left and a right)….I hope I am making sense!
Thank you.
This is usually an aesthetic choice made by the designer. A m1L is an increase that slopes to the left, and a m1R is an increase that slopes to the right. If you stack m1R’s on top of each other on the left side of the thumb (see the sample on the left in the photo below), you end up with a very distinct line that leans to the left because all of the “new” stitches are leaning to the right and away from the unaltered column of stitches. This is the same for when you stack m1L’s on top of each other on the right side of the thumb, you get a distinct line that leans to the right.
When you stack m1L’s on top of each other on the left side of the thumb, you still get a line that leans to the left, but it is less distinct, there isn’t a harsh line. This makes the increases a bit less obvious, and the fabric looks a bit more uniform (see the sample on the right in the photo below).
Neither way is the “right” way, it is just an aesthetic choice of whether you want a harsher, cleaner line on either side of the thumb or a more muddled, softer line. These same principles can apply to garment knitting. Many patterns have you increase/decrease away from an edge, which gives you a visible line next to your edge (this can give a more graphic and intentional look to the edge), however if you chose to increase/decrease towards the edge, the increases/decreases are a bit more subtle and can blend a bit more.

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Knit Nerd!
Yeah! Someone asked about what i have been confused about also (thanks for asking). And thanks for taking the time to make a clear explanation on the subject. 🙂